ladscapingBianko Trading & Contracting Landscaping Division provides all aspects of soft landscaping services across Kingdom of Qatar, the key to soft landscaping is its future development and beyond including Layout the grass, soil preparation, Soil compact & levelling, Back filling, planting permanent Plants as well as seasonal flowers, irrigation, indoor plant supply, Indoor plant maintenance and Garden maintenance in palace, Villas, Embassy, commercial buildings, Public parks & universities. Once the hard landscaping is in place to create the permanent structure of the garden, it is the soft landscaping that softens the edges and brings the garden to life. No garden would be complete without planting.

We can provide detailed planting plans recommending plants that will suit the soil type & climate in your garden and the amount of sun or shade it gets. Choosing the right plant for the right place is essential. In addition, we ensure the ground is well prepared and garden irrigation is in place if budget allows, giving the plants a really good start in life.

We aim to provide a fast, efficient and professional approach to dealing with you and your garden requirements. In addition, we’re a great bunch to work with which makes the garden design and build process an enjoyable one!

Whatever your garden requirements, we offer a free quotation service and will come back quickly with an accurate and detailed quotation we look forward to working with you.